Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Swinging Eyes

Here's another ancient swinger! The eyebead, swinging in the Huan.

Briefly, a Huan according to the Chinese definition is a ring with a big central hole as opposed to a Bi which has a small hole. There are more detailed differences separating a Huan  from a Bi, but for my purpose this short description should surfice.

Not sure what century this Huan belongs to but if I were to hazard a guess, I would say Han 206BCE–220 AD or earlier. Huans are normally made of jade but this one looks more like agate or manao.

I am hoping that the many internal fissures or crazing on the Huan is a sign of great age. These fissures also look like what the archaic jade analysts describe as "cleaving veins". Of course "cleaving veins" may apply to jade only and I am using my imagination to stretch it a bit :) Below close up of the Huan. Hope what looks like "cleaving veins" to me can be clearly seen.

There are perforations at the top and bottom of the Huan ring which is just perfect for me to attach the eyebead using the flower knot to create a dangle. Wow, what a swinging threesome of flower knot, Huan and eyebead.

The eyebead hails from the Warring States period approximately 481-221 BCE and has beautiful violet and brown spots(the eyes) against a background of pretty blue faience.

PS :
Just wish to add that the flower knot shown above is not my handwork. It was bought from a shop.

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